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Search Keyword micronizing Total: 5 results found.

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  1. J-20, J-25 & J-30 Series

    Category: Pharmaceutical/Size Reduction

    ... of resistance to powder penetration. Thanks to its modular design concept, the standard J-20 can be upgraded, on request, to the J-25 or J-30 micronizing chambers with very few extra ... Sunday, 08 May 2011
  2. J-40, J-50 & J-70 Series

    Category: Pharmaceutical/Size Reduction

    ... degree of resistance to powder penetration. Thanks to its modular design concept, the standard J-40 can be upgraded, on request, to the J-50 or J-70 micronizing chambers with very few ... Sunday, 08 May 2011
  3. J-100, J-125 & J-150 Series

    Category: Pharmaceutical/Size Reduction

    ... high degree of resistance to powder penetration. Thanks to its modular design concept, the standard J-100 can be upgraded, on request, to the J-125 or J-150 micronizing chambers with ... Sunday, 08 May 2011
  4. J-200, J-300 & J-400 Series

    Category: Pharmaceutical/Size Reduction

    ... penetration. Thanks to its modular design concept, the standard J-200 can be upgraded, on request, to the J-300 or J-400 micronizing chambers with very few extra components.These enhanced ... Sunday, 08 May 2011
  5. Fluid Jet Micronizers

    Category: Pharmaceutical/Size Reduction

    ... to supersonic speeds (300 m/s) in a spiral movement. The micronizing effect occurs when the slower incoming particles and the faster particles in the spiral path collide. While centrifugal force retains ... Sunday, 01 May 2011
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